
Wednesday, October 12, 2005


A few comments and messages have been received from classmates, both attendees and non-attendees, regarding the reunion and other class related topics (thru September 28th), so we thought we'd pass them along for your information. A collection of this writer's notes and observations, RANDOM RAMBLINGS, follows the comments for your reading and entertainment pleasure...

The comments & messages:

"The reunion was the best ever. You all really did a wonderful job. Frank and I both had a ball and look forward to next one!" Judy Bach Jansen, Freedom, PA...

"Thank you all for the effort you put into the reunion. I HAD THE BEST TIME. You really out did yourselves. It was wonderful to see everyone and have the chance to renew old friendships. I (had) been in school with some of those people since 1st and 2nd grade! My best to you and all my thanks." Barbara Bollen Smith, Annapolis, MD...

"All hope of making it Friday night reunion is lost. We will not be there. Hello to all who retain some capacity of memory of remote events (from school) despite our advancing age. Stay well and remember, the older we get, the better we were!" Jay Allen, New Concord, OH...

"A quick note to thank you all for the great job done on the reunion. I know we cannot fully appreciate the amount of time and effort involved, but the success of this endeavor was due to all of your efforts and sacrifices. Thanks!" Jim Heaton, Murraysville, PA...

"Thanks for the great time Friday night. It was apparent that everybody worked hard and the results were wonderful. It would be wonderful to keep in touch with all of our classmates - keep me posted when website is up and running (note: website is up & running full blast). The letter sent out summing up the reunion was very enjoyable to read and remember good times of our teen years!" Nancy Burke Obermeier, New Castle, PA...

"Just wanted to thank the "three Amigos" for the fine job you did with our reunion. We had a great time and you couldn't have picked a more beautiful weekend for the celebration." Take care and see you for # 50!" Carol Congalton Clark, Beaufort, SC...

"You all did a great job. Thanks for all your work, I know it was a labor of love!" Bill Corley, Indianapolis, IN...

"I am going to try to organize a (class) luncheon every 6 months for the people from Pittsburgh -- maybe a Christmas luncheon might be a good way for me to start this -- I'll let you know what happens. Great job organizing reunion -- lots of positive feedback on Saturday night. People thought it was great." Don Dieter, Allison Park, PA...

"Was just getting ready to write you about reunion when I got your summary of everything that happened. Thank you so much. I am sorry I missed this great chance to see everyone, though, looking at the pictures is so much fun. Hope to see you in 5. Again, thanks for the news." Christine Fischer Renner, Ashland, OH...

"The reunion summary was right on the money!" Ron Hasek, Pittsburgh, PA

"I am very disappointed that I cannot attend (the reunion). I hope that I will be able to make the 50th. My thanks to everyone for all the hard work to make this reunion happen. Hope to see you one day." Jeanne Hammel Costello, Hilton Head, SC...

"It was great seeing you guys. It was a very warm and fuzzy reunion both nights. I couldn't get over how noisy and loud we all were and how we had so much to talk about. It was a damn good group of people in the 60's and still is. This whole thing really tickled my heart. Have to admit, I didn't do much greeting (at the door) because no one needed greeting -- the conversation was already going at feverish clip -- so many familiar faces. I was saddened to hear about all the serious illnesses. If I am still kicking in 5 years I will be glad to help on the Pittsburgh end. Bruce (Abel) tell Helene (Kight Abel) to start aging!! No one should look that good at our age!!! ha!" Joyce Jackson Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA

"I wanted you to know that the past weekend was quite an experience. I never imagined it would be as positive as it turned out to be. Thank you all for what turned out to be an amazing experience!" Joe Kelly, Cedar, MI...

"What a nice job you did on the reunion. We had such a nice time!" Nonie & Bob Knaus, Pittsburgh, PA...

"Thanks so much for the delightfully detailed summary of the reunion. You certainly did go all out to produce a top notch affair. We are so sorry that we were unable to attend. However, we are looking forward to the next one. It surely sounded like everyone had a great time!" Dick & Linda Neuman Knight, Crystal Lake, IL...

"Great reunion update. All of you look so great. It warmed my heart to see all of the photos and read about the goings-on. What a wonderful event. I hope that I can make the next one. Hubby Ray came through his eye surgery last week with flying colors, but it will be a year before he fully recovers. Thanks again for all of the news!" Rozanne Maslanka ReBell, Quincy, CA...

"Awesome job on the reunion. You all did a great job in bringing so many of our classmates together and the evening went way above my expectations!!" Roy Myers, Greenville, PA...

"Have a great reunion! Sorry I can't make it. It all sounds like so much fun. Please give everyone my best. I will miss seeing you and will be hoping you all have a great time. Today is first day back teaching school and new kids and my daughter's expecting soon, so I'm needed here. I'll miss you all." Patty Prince Heider, Turnersville, NJ...

"Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed seeing you all. We closed the place down and even had a drink afterwards at a local pub. You all did a fantastic job of making it all happen. It was great to see people (old friends) that I had not seen in all that time and it makes you realize even more how fast this old planet is spinning and how precious all of these old friends are. Take good care, old friends!!" Bill Zimmerman, Nottingham, PA...

"I love the website and will tell Clif (Gaus) that. The fact that you have email addresses and phone numbers is just great. I have already contacted some and it is such a thrill to see an email waiting from one of your truly old friends." Joyce Jackson Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA...

"I felt bad that I couldn't attend. Now that I have seen a few of the pictures, I really wish that I could have been there. How about putting names with the pictures (note: that's been completed!). I don't recognize many faces after 45 years. Good work guys!!" Ed Thoma, Maysville, WVA...

"Jo Ann and I had hoped to be able to attend the 45th, however, 'the best laid plans of mice and men.........' Hope all goes well and that the weekend is a great success." Richard Roy, Norwood, MA...

"As much as I have planned to come to the reunion, I don't believe that I will be able to make it. It's just too much for me to do at this time after surgery. Plus, I have to have Chemotherapy for the next 4 weeks. So give everyone my love and memories. I really wanted to be there! Your friend....." Fred Tryner, Pinellas Park, FL...

"Good luck with the reunion. I don't think I can attend, but I know it will be a blast! By the way, I'm still as beautiful as ever!! Talk to you soon." LaVerne Weller Larizza, Jacksonville Beach, FL...

"The website is a great idea for those of us who cannot make the reunion. The bad news is I have a conference that I must attend and, unfortunately, I will miss the reunion. The good news is that the conference is on the French Riviera and coincides with (wife) Pat's and my 40th wedding anniversary. Best wishes to all of my classmates." Bill Bernhard, Rochester, NY...

"Hard to believe - all these familiar names from 1960 and you are the lucky ones to collect all this info. I will not be able to attend the reunion but would like to receive whatever you put together on the class (note: for now, check class website at: http://www.nhhs60.com/ ). I hope you are all well and enjoying life - give my best to all the returning hall patrol in particular." Bob Calhoun, Boston, MA...

"Hi Classmates! WOW, 45 years have passed quickly! I certainly don't feel as 'old' as the years might dictate! So, life goes on, and we meet all the challenges that life throws at us and cherish the fond memories of a full life. My best to you all!" Mary Deitrich Capra, Greeley, CO... (Editor's note: Husband Ed just returned home after surgery and receiving a "new functional lung." He's recovering nicely)...

"I enjoyed attending our 45th High School reunion with my wife, Natalie. Had a great time and want to thank your entire committee for such a terrific job! Look forward to being more involved for our 50th!!!" Dave Kniess, Wallingford, CT... (Editor's note: Dave sent along a number of good suggestions that have been distributed to the reunion committee)...

REUNION RAMBLINGS..... Are you really surprised that Abel is an 8-handicap golfer?... We expected Bill Zimmerman to show up at the Club in his red Viper, but he explained you don't take high performance cars on long trips - so where's the performance???? ... Jim Acton may hold the longevity record for staying in college - he went away to attend Wooster College in 1960 and he's still in college at Clarion in 2005 - however, he reports there's some difference between being a student and a Vice President! ... TRIVIA#1 - There were three popular barber shops in West View - Dom's, Frank's and Homer's - one of these men had a daughter who was a classmate of ours - which barber was her father and what was her name? (answer at end) ... Sunoco Service Center Owner and Classmate George Yocum has sold more gas and fixed more cars than anyone in the history of West View/Ross!!! ... Darlene Albrecht certainly didn't look like she qualified for the over +55 seasoned citizen community she just moved into!! ... Cheers and kudos to tall and lanky good guy Teddy Frank for bringing old classmate Ray Wivell back onto the class roster ... Did you know that retired ex-banker Spencer Ankeney was our 1960 NHHS chess champion?? ... Harry Weber owns at least three mailing addresses but spends most of his time sailing the oceans of the world in his sailboat ... Judy Bach is still a champion "domestic engineer!" ... Judy Vogel owns her own company and splits the year between 6 months in "the burgh" and 6 months in Australia ... Susan & Roger Stanier -- have you ever met a nicer and more gracious couple?? They have a "lock" on the class function greeters position ... Did Terry & Kitty Bartley fly into town in his custom, self manufactured airplane or did they drive?? ... How 'bout those Sweeney twins (Carol & Jimmy), they still don't look like twins.... Ronnie Bernstein has a son playing Little League Baseball - how'd he do that? ... Was Barbara Bollen wired at the reunion, or was that just a result of the extra six-pack of Energizer batteries she was carrying?? ... Kathy Stewart gets the "Martha Burke" award for pioneering the women to breaking into the men's golf outing.... Bill Corley really does have a wife, and a very nice one at that - we had our doubts and thought he may show up with a rental (wife).... SleepyG - Ralph Doehla lived up to his nickname - after a hard Friday at the WVFH, we suspect his Saturday absence was due to over sleeping through Saturday night.... How about super guys Ralphie Jones and Earl Gardner for NFL tackle position candidates??? ... Hooray for Ron Hasek - he's been diagnosed with MS but still managed to make the effort to attend the reunion - great to see him keepin' on, and doing well!! ... Do you remember Jack Dambaugh was the presiding officer of our National Honor Society?? ... Perry Shreve checked into the reunion from Oklahoma looking like the Marlboro Man - we did a quick search outside the WVFH for his horse, but to no avail!!! ... Does Janet Stehle (class decorator/designer) have the decorator's touch, or what - how about those center pieces? ... Church, Travel and Texas appear to have agreed very well with the very attractive Pam Randall.... A rare public appearance was made Friday night by Ralph Phelleps - good to see the Waddie man out and about! ... Did anybody have any more fun than Donnie Schairer - who came in from Sedona, AZ armed with yearbook in hand! ... Patty Miller was treated to viewing an old grade school photo or her and Don Dieter in their formal attire (high hat & all) heading out on a date on the town - wonder which of their fathers drove? ... Great reunion representation of the NHHS marching majorettes - Wendy Johnson, Helene Kight, Joyce Houston and Pat Hudson - gracing our presence ... TRIVIA#2 - Who was the NHHS Indian mascot our junior year? (answer at end) ... Sandy Reutzel was seen leaving the premise with one large jug of wine in hand and Tony Snowball in close pursuit -- hmmmm!!! ... Ex-government official Roy Myers, now Greenville, PA farmer, reports that it's easier dealing with the pigs, cattle and chickens than it was dealing with his former employer... Did anyone see Dave "Dr. Fakes" Kniess in action over the weekend?? Execution of class photo shoot was excellent - and the actual photo just received was doubly excellent!! ... Vinnie Malone assured us that the little red Mercedes convertible parked in slot number one outside the WVFH Friday night was not a weekend rental special - the little red two-seater actually does live in his Okeechobee, FL garage... Did you catch Bruce Schomaker chasing the pizza man up Perry Hwy in an effort to place his and wife Donna's pizza order? ... Barry Shell's (class of '59) oldies jukebox sure brought back some great memories of our "thrills upon the hill!!" ... Tom & Patty Hudson Hunt entertained with some of the hairy tales of their OTR truck driving experiences... What did the Schlemmer's do with the Dr. Fakes tape? ... Cheers to Tom Hunt (P.Hudson), Bill Davis (J.Hoecevar), Angelo Ortenzi (K.Stewart), Chuck Hartman (J.Vogel), Bill Young (D.Albrecht), Bob Ridgeway (P.Giger), George Bannon (C.Miller), Walt Wiley (P.Miller), Frank Jansen (J. Bach), John Clark (C.Congalton), Bob Imhof (J.Stehle) and Roger Zittel (G.Reynolds) -- the men spouses who weathered the reunion events and appeared to have a pretty good time doing it ... Bobby Depner and Don Schairer are the slam-dunk winners of the Mr.Clean "look alike" award with Gardner, Ralph Karn and Spencer Ankeney rounding out the top five ... You can thank PA-LS Associate and Wine Master Dick Maser for the vino tastes at the Friday night party ... Yes, we knew there was a NHHS vs Shaler football game - but we voted reunion party and old friends over football and the halftime show! Maybe next time!! Jack "The Rock" Koehler should be on the classmate search committee ... Kenny Knab, who wins "best looking male legs" honors, shared his secret -- 50 miles a day on the bike! Are you kidding??? ... If a classmate phone call prodded Karen Higgins to come to the reunion, which it did, we need to make more phone calls, which we will!! ... Remember little Richie Heil? He broke his family's height limitation barriers by ending up (growing) over 6 feet ...Tony Snowball always wanted to drive a truck (18-wheeler) - so now, after a very successful career in business, guess what? - he drives a truck!! ... Anna Mae Krummert is still a very cool human being!! ... Where was Bob Brant Saturday night? ... Great to see Barbara Braun make the drive in from Bellefonte, PA to join us ... TRIVIA #3 - Which male and female classmates were voted MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED, and did they??? ... Silver-tongue Dave Pavlik, after owning two restaurants in Cincinnati, has turned yuppie on us and now sells Beamers (BMW's)... Any doubt that Anne Moffat still wields a strong forearm?? ... Great to see Dick Neidhardt and our top honors student and orator George Kall ... Billy Pfaffle doesn't miss ATT at all and is maxing out in retirement ... How would you like to face NH hurlers Jimmy Schmidt and Billy Knoch from 60' 8"s -scary, huh? - well, maybe not anymore at 63 years of age!!! ... Who would have thought Clif Gaus, arguably the smallest kid in our class, would become such a monumental giant in leading us into an arena of world class communication opportunities - three cheers for Clif!! ... This writer's selections for MOST CHANGED and MOST UNCHANGED CLASSMATES would be: MOST CHANGED - Earl Gardner and Judy Vogel ... MOST UNCHANGED - Bill Corley/Jimmy Schafer (tie) and Helene Kight ....

Great to see everybody at the reunion. If you missed it, we're sorry you missed it and us, as we missed you all. Our 50th should be a real hummmmmmdinger - don't miss that one!!!!!!!!!!

TRIVIA#1 - (answer) - Homer Woessner - daughter Virginia "Ginny" Woessner
TRIVIA#2 - (answer) - Erle Daniel "Dan" Ayres
TRIVIA#3 - (answer) - Bob Calhoun - yes, he is President of his own investment firm in Boston, MA
Elizabeth "Liz" Logan - yes, she is an attorney now living in Crested Butte, CO

So-long this time until next time when we'll be coming back at y'all with more news and whateveeeeers!! Stay well, stay in touch and GOD BLESS!!!