
Sunday, January 07, 2007



The spirited NHHS Class of 1960 gathered at Monte Cello's Italian Restaurant for Don Dieter's 2nd Annual Class Holiday Luncheon on Saturday, December 16, 2006, in record numbers.

We have no hesitation in saying that a gala fun time was had by all. The conversation, food and beverages flowed freely (well, not exactly free!) and the "noise-O-meter" recorded a brisk level-8. General consensus was that Monte Cello's provided excellent service and the outstanding experience was head and shoulders above last year's location (Kretzler's). Everyone paid their own bill of fare as we were supplied individual tabs.

Rumor has it that "Holiday Don" is already on the verge of booking a 3rd Annual Class Holiday Luncheon back at Monte Cellos's for December, 2007. Watch the class website -- www.nhhs60.com - for details as they become available.

This year the weather cooperated and the attendance for the luncheon doubled from 30 to nearly 60 classmates and wives, well over the inaugural of 2006, and a record number. The luncheon is open to all classmates and friends of the Class of 1960. As the word spreads, we expect an even greater number of attendees next year.

There are some tremendously nice people who were in our class. If you don't know them, by all means come on down and meet them. A number of newcomers, some a little skeptical, signed on this year and they were welcomed with open arms.

Early arrivals started drifting in around 11-11:30am and before we knew it, the clock was striking 3:00pm and we still had more people to talk to as the crowd shifted toward the bar room.

The main core of attendees were obviously Pittsburgh area residents, but sprinkled into the group were a number of out-of-towners who were able to parlay the luncheon with their trips to "the burgh." Many of the out-of-towners were seen spending exhorbitant amounts of time at Isaly's in West View gathering up chipped-chopped ham, dill pickles and fresh Mancini bread, while checking out the historic wall photos of old West View Park.

A rousing cheer of thanks was accorded Don Dieter, who has single-handedly stepped up to make this now annual event happen, providing us the opportunity, as a class, to get together each year. We may be one of the only classes from NHHS offering the chance for old friends to gather with old friends on an annual basis.

In no particular order, here are the names of those of your classmates who attended: Ron Hasek, Jack Koehler, Bobby Brant, Barbara White, Patty Prince, George Yocum (Winn), Charanne Jones, Karen Weiss, Nancy Rockey, Bob Krause, Martha Haisley Krause, Arlene Hinkel, Barbara Braun, Mickey Sweeney, Carol Sweeney, Janet Meisinger (and granddaughter), Barbara Schroeder, Clif Gaus, John Blackstock (Rhonda) and Bruce Schomaker.

Continuing with attendees: Billy Knoch (Nancy), Bobby "BK" Knaus (Nonie), Ralph Doehla, Dave Miller, Richie Heil (Dian), Roy Myers, Judy Bach (Frank), Spencer Ankeney (Susan), Jimmy Schafer, Janet Westerwick, Peggy Henderson, Susan Barr Stanier, Roger Stanier, Joyce Jackson, Teddy Frank, Ray Wivell (Pat), Ralphie Jones, John Reilly, Lesley Ford Reilly, Billy Pfaffle, Dick Maser, Ronnie Yavorka (Bellevue guest) and Chairman and Master Host, Don Dieter. If we missed any names, we apologize.

Notable last minute cancellations... Jane Rehorst (last minute Christmas shopping?) - Jimmy Heaton (lost directions to Monte Cello's?) - Ralph Phelleps (no surprise here, the streak continues!) - Bill Zimmerman (his high performance Viper has been unable to get FAA clearance to leave Nottingham, PA). See what happens when you don't show?? We make up stories about you!! Please pardon the puns, accept our unadulterated apologies, and don't miss the next class event!!

Photos from the 2nd Annual Class Holiday Luncheon will be up and posted on the class website in the very near future. So if you wanna see what your classmates look like 46 years later and enjoy a real laugh, take a peek! In all seriousness, we hope to see you all back again in December, 2007 at next year's event. Meanwhile, stay healthy, stay happy and stay in touch!!!!!


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