
Friday, December 26, 2008


Monte Cello's Italian Restaurant traditionally opens its doors at 11:00am.

Our classmates and friends were already lining up outside at 10:30 on Saturday, December 13th, in anticipation of the Fourth Annual NHHS Class of 1960 Holiday Luncheon. We're happy to report there were few to no disappointments.

We hoped for good weather and we got it. We hoped for record attendance and we had it. And we had hoped to see a number of new faces and they were there. Sixty-two (62) classmates and friends attended the luncheon.

This very popular gathering is growing out of control. We're now at a point where we'll be looking for larger accommodations for next year's event. Had there not been a few no-shows, we would have spilled into the restaurant's main dining area.

We were delighted to welcome a number of first-timers including, Bruce Abel, Terry Bartley, Art Bauer, Lou McKibben (Janet Meisinger spouse), Dennis and Ann Rascov, Jean Pfaffle (Bill Pfaffle spouse), Bette O'Connor (Barb Schroeder sister), Harry Weber, Susie Stough and Dennis Sutey. Other guests appearing, Bryan Pritchard'59, Judy Hunt Pritchard'61, Andy Shoupe'61, Carol Zehnder'62 and Bob Imhof'58 (Janet Stehle spouse).

The luncheon was great, the food was superb, the Monte Cello staff handled our checks individually and promptly without incident and the last of the stragglers left a little after 3:00pm. Your patience was appreciated.

But the highlight, once again, was the conversation, the inter-mingling and reconnecting with old friends. The happy buzz of noise and laughter prevailed.

Chairman, organizer and coordinator Don Dieter was unable to attend due to illness and he was missed greatly. However, his efforts and hard work to make this event a successful and annual affair were saluted. Barbara Schroeder and sister Bette, initially picked it up in Don's absence, manned the registration table and passed out the name badges.

What few announcements we had heard Blackie making a failed attempt at impersonating Don Dieter then, Bruce Abel stated that information regarding the date and location of our 50th (2010) class reunion will be forthcoming.

Clif Gaus passed out printed material and spoke briefly on the Fifth Annual Spring Break Mini Class Reunion to be held over the weekend of March 14, 2009 on Anna Maria Island near Bradenton, FL. He reiterated, all are welcome, and with our increasing base of mates living in Florida, and the infusion of the visiting snowbirds, participation has been growing at a steady pace. For more information contact Clif at 805-494-4947 or clif@clifgaus.com.

And lastly, Dick Maser announced that a number of classmates are meeting regularly for breakfast on the second Tuesday of each month at the Eat'n Park on Route 8. Both guys and gals are welcome and more information can be obtained by calling Dick at 412-486-4639 or maserm@verizon.net.

What a great menu of class activities and opportunities to get together we have going for us. Spread the word on next year's December Luncheon -- we're gonna have a pretty large room to fill up!! Photos of those attending the 2008 Holiday Luncheon should be available in the very near future by clicking the PHOTO TAB on the home page of your class website ( www.nhhs60.com )....


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