
Friday, March 27, 2009


Respectively speaking, that headline pretty much recaps the last three years of NHHS Class of 1960 Annual March Spring Break ventures to Florida's Anna Maria Island. We're now five years running with our class gatherings in the sunshine state. The very first took place in Ft. Myers and was attended by four classmates.

But this year's 2009 trip takes top honors, as BEST of BEST, by landslide proportions - total attendance was 48 mates and guests. Peggy Maser nailed it when she said, "Having a 'home base' at Clif's house made for a tremendously relaxed atmosphere. We will share the wonderful experience and encourage other classmates to come join us next year."

Logically, you might ask, what makes one reunion better than the other? First and foremost, larger attendance - more classmates - more spouses - more friends. Then you toss in 4-5 perfect 75 degree bluebird days. Add your host's offering of his beautiful, and continuously open, house on the canal as hangout headquarters for both, pre and post evening activities.

Next, reactivate and recharge a sizzling gourmet catering duo from within your midst. Arm them with the ingredients for a hearty menu of seemingly unlimited appetizers, topped off with a couple casseroles of Italian pasta, sausage and cheese, and how could you find despair? And lastly, anchor the group with the entertaining base of regular spring breakers, sprinkle in a number of first timers and friends, and it just doesn't get any better.

The Friday night spectacle, clearly the highlight of the weekend, kicked off at 4PM and mingled on until nearly mid-night. In essence, everybody heading back to their accommodations left in wonderful spirits, as well as carrying a few more pounds than when they arrived. Beer and wine were served, liquor was BYOB and everyone was asked to contribute $10 to help offset expenses.

MVP AWARDS for the overwhelming success of Friday's events went to host Clif Gaus, culinary masters Dave & Natalie Kniess and class golf chairman Richie Heil.

Early arrivals Wednesday and Thursday had plenty of "Florida Fun Free Time" on their hands. Some basked in the warm rays of sun on the beautiful Gulf beaches. Others browsed the shops of famous St. Armand's Circle and the Red Barn Antique & Flea Market which is always a popular spot to shop 'til you drop. A handful of mates made the traditional visit to Skinny's Bar on Gulf Drive for their famous "island pounder hamburgs" and cold beer.

Several took in the Thursday afternoon bonus baseball game - Minnesota Twins vs Pirates - at historic McKechnie Field in Bradenton. Following the game, a large contingent (18) of mates and spouses visited Sharkey's Restaurant to enjoy their famous prime rib and seafood dinner specials. Afterward, it was back to "Clif's on the Canal" for nightcaps and a warm evening setting with friends.

Friday morning and afternoon offered up more "Florida Fun Free Time." Some remained on the beach - the girls did lunch at the Columbia Restaurant at St. Armand's, while a number of the guys hit the nearby Manatee Golf Club for a round of frustration on their way to the 19th hole, where they all excelled.

The ensuring Friday evening/night highlight at "Clif's on the Canal" hosted 39 of our mates and guests. Master Clif, now a permanent resident of Anna Maria Island, let it all out - he rented tables and chairs - provided table clothes and candles - coolers loaded with beer and wine and snacks.

Dave Kniess, the famous, now retired, gourmet caterer from Wallingford, CT, along with wife Natalie, dawned their chefs attire, worked their proverbial buns off and cooked up an abundance of appetizers and assorted goodies to insure nobody went home hungry.

Truly a magical delight and what a presentation, and what a fabulously informal night of friends reconnecting with friends. Ricky Stotz, on the Friday night activities, said, "The evening at 'Clif's on the Canal' really made it special - as it was just our group, and made it like a family get together. We're already looking forward to next year - THANKS!!

A small aggregation of early birds headed over to the "Cafe on the Holmes Beach" for a concession style breakfast Saturday morning while the majority did the 'slow and easy' in preparation for the ride over to Bradenton to watch the New York Yankees vs Pirates baseball game. Our gang of Bucco rooters topped out at 32. Many left late in the game with the Pirates leading, but were dismayed to find out they ultimately lost.

On the informal gatherings, Darlene Albrecht had this to say, "I especially enjoyed the small and informal groups, as I met and talked to classmates I never knew in high school - our paths just never crossed. Of course, I enjoyed catching up with friends, too - the weather and the company was the best - and the memories PRICELESS!!! Thanks, Clif!"

Following the game, it was a quick change and off to the next stop, the Grand Finale at the Beach House Restaurant, where Clif had worked up reservations for 40+ mates and guests. The first of 44 arrivals started streaming in around 4PM. Thanks to master Clif, the Beach House was prepared. They know us and they accommodate in the finest of fashion.

A band of early evening clouds obscured the brilliant sunset but that didn't affect the fun, conversation and spirits of our classmates. Judy Bach summed it up, "What a wonderful location to meet up with old classmates and to also get to know some that I did not know well in school - we'll be back next year!"

After dinner and a few libations it was back to "Clif's on the Canal." Minus the short drive time, we never skipped a beat as 32 of our revelers returned to party on. The after dinner nightcap group dispersed around mid-night, and the last of the burning candles were finally blown out. NO casualties were reported.

Barb Bollen made a valid point, saying, "What I thought was so wonderful was that the reunion centered around Clif's house and it made for a very relaxed setting for getting to know and re-know people. I loved meeting the wives and making new friends. I really enjoyed that part, and i would keep the same format next year. I had the best time - it was PERFECT!"

Sunday morning it was back to the Cafe on the Holmes Beach for the now traditional farewell concession stand breakfast. Twelve to fourteen made the early call. After the hearty breakfast, we planted the conversation seeds for next year's Spring Break and commenced the always sad string of goodbyes. Host Clif's announcement that there will be a 6th ANNUAL SPRING BREAK on Anna Maria Island in 2010, sent the crowd back to reality in excellent spirits.

Guest Francee Malone described the weekend in a nutshell, saying, "The reunion was fantastic!" When asked if he would be open to hosting our 50th class reunon on AMI, Clif replied, "Well, I think I could handle maybe 60 or 70 guests, but I'm not sure I could do 200-250!!" (and the laughter followed!)

First timers to our Florida mini reunion were: Darlene Albrecht (Bill Young WV'58), Judy Bach (Frank), Barb Bollen, Bob Depner (Ruthie), Kent McGlincy (Doris) guests, "Keep-Your-Head-Down-Bob" Genter (Carol) guests, Dick Neidhardt (Eloise), Brian Pritchard'59 (Judy'61) guests, Janet Stehle (Bob Imhof WV'58), Fritz Wainell'62 (Sue), guests and Harry Weber.

The mainstay regulars returning were: Host Clif (of course, and S.O. Christine), Blackie (Rhonda), Ron Bernstein, Bruce Schomaker (Donna'61), Richie Heil (Dian'61), Bruce Abel, Tony Snowball (Brenda), Dave Kniess (Natalie), Christine Fischer (Jerry), Dick Maser (Peggy), Bill Knoch (Nancy), Vinnie Malone (Francee), Ricky Stotz (Chrissie), Jimmy Schmidt, Bill Domke, Kenny Stewart'59 (Cheryl) guests... Previous attendees noticeably missing were: The Dave Millers, Carol Congalton, Janet Jarabin, Suzy Ervin, Barbara Schroeder, Carol Stack, Janet Bowser, Patty Hudson and the Tattoo Lady...

Guest Brian Pritchard'59 writes, "Judy and I really appreciate being 'honorary members' of the class of 1960!"

OFF THE WALL STUFF (things you should, or shouldn't know??).... Cliffy's significant other Christine, a Scottish lassie with the classy brogue, was a total hilarious blast... Dave Miller phoned in to let us know he's finally a Grandpa... Schomaker did not get wet but his GPS took a dive and he lost his car in the HIExpress parking lot... The Depners had a tough call - deciding whether to haul a load of antiques back to Atlanta, or passenger Bruce Abel - a jittery Bruce won the coin toss... Tony Snowball has succumbed to wife Brenda's exercise program - he's lost 50lbs, but oooh, those leash burns on his neck... Peggy Maser is a serious Pirates fan, husband Dick is merely a serious fanatic... Billy & Nancy Knoch were spotted on porpoise patrol with G-kids at the Venice Inlet... Vinnie Malone lost his false teeth and gave up search at 3AM... Reunion guests from WV and other NH classes were duly impressed by our strong class comraderie... Jimmy Schmidt, recovering from three recent operations, managed 12 holes of golf, and was rewarded with an on-course phone call telling him his daughter was having twins... Richie Heil did his usual stellar job organizing the 8-player golf outing... At different intervals, Blackie and BB Bollen attempted to walk through Clif's ultra clean sliding glass doors - problem was they were both sober... It was reported culinary virtuoso Dave "Big Otis" Kniess was attacked and bombarded by a flock of intellectual seagulls, but he thwarted the attack, protected his coffee, and survived with only minor wet white spots... Vinnie Malone resumed the search for his false teeth at 8AM... Billy Domke drove long and hard to make the Friday night gala and was happy he did - so were we... Eloise Neidhardt (Dick's wife) is a keeper, and we expect them back next year... Master sailor Harry "Seahewii" Weber wandered off to take a dip in the chilly Gulf of Mexico during dinner at the Beach House Restaurant to the oooohs and aaaahs of his mates... Christine Fischer once again showed with her winning smile and effervescent personality... Natalie Kniess is an avid exercise walker and has the blisters to prove it, but she walks some strange nocturnal routes - just ask Blackie & Rhonda... Several last minute emergency cancellations (Congalton & Jarabin) lead us to believe that next years's attendance will break the 60 marker... Zero tattoo sightings this year... Abel was low man at the golf outing with an 80 - some things never change... Kudos to Dian Heil and Rhonda Blackstock for their efforts as server-uppers, picker-uppers and cleaner-uppers... Janet Stehle and hubby Bob didn't miss a pre or post event - they'll be back... There was a guy who called himself Ron Bernstein present and he professsed to be a classmate - however, he couldn't have been one of our mates - this guy looked too good and way too young to be one of us - keep that shirt on, Bernie!!... and, ooooooh yes, Vinnie Malone found his false teeth at 10:45AM...


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