
Thursday, March 31, 2011


The 6th Annual NHHS Anna Maria Island Spring Break is now in the books. Our gatherings maxed out at 45 Friday and Saturday evenings.

Clif Gaus and friend Krisy Ness, our cherished hosts, announced their engagement, and after maneuvering their way over a few speed bumps in reunion logistics, turned in the usual stellar performance of pulling classmates and friends together.


While most of our Florida friends were freezing their tails off, we new arrivals were relishing and basking in the cool and windy 40-50 degree sunny bluebird days. After all, most of us "Snowbirds" hadn't seen 40 degrees since last November and it was quite appealing.

The home of "The Best Burger on the Island," Skinny's Bar on Gulf Drive and Manatee, was the site of Thursday's reunion weekend kickoff. Blackie, Clif, Vinnie Malone and the Bobby Knaus' led the burger charge, and downed a beverage or two along the way.

Thursday evening the "early arrivals" converged on a local bar/restaurant called MartiniVille. This newly opened establishment accommodated our 20 or so mates and friends in the grandest of fashion and was located just a stone's throw from "Cliffy's on the Canal." We arrived early and stayed late - no surprise there.

The Tony Snowball's, who are off to permanent residence in England once they sell their Orland home, also became early birds and didn't miss a "bloomin' beat."

Most took advantage of the generous, liberal, and inexpensive happy hour. Some ventured off to test the house specialty - "The Martini" - which was available in a number of different shapes, sizes and flavors.

The menu favored seafood and Italian entrees. The pizza was outstanding and Richie Heil and Dave Miller helped Blackie polish off a sausage and pepperoni.

No major casualties were reported other than one of our over-zealous mates (eerrh, Blackie) knocking over and breaking a glass while attempting to perform a mini skit, of which, he was totally incapable of pulling off. Needless to say, a good time was had by all, including the Bob Depner's, who drove in from Atlanta and returned after missing last year.

Friday morning and afternoon offered an abundance of free time. Golf chairman Richie Heil was poised to roll out the golf carts but this year there were no takers, therefore no golf. The Red Barn was a familiar and popular destination, as was St. Armand's Circle, a Mecca for shopping on the Gold Coast.

The Maser's pilfered a couple fishing rods 'n reels from Cliffy's garage and were off to fisherman's wharf in search of "the big one."

Several of our friends slipped in afternoon naps... but we won't mention names...Mil-Mil.

Chilly weather and heavy winds made the traditional reception at "Cliffy's on the Canal" a bit of a challenge but we prevailed. The evening perked up with the grand entrance of the Dave Kniess entourage - Carol Harper, to our delight, made her first reunion appearance since graduation and returned to the fold - Harry Weber sailed down from Tampa for a Friday night only showing - and Lake City mainstay Billy Domke spent the evening with us after visiting his dad in Naples.

Wearing his chef's apron and looking every bit like a shaved down image of famous culinary master Emeril, Vinnie Malone fired up the grill and pumped out more hamburgers and hot dogs than we could devour.

The Ricky Stotz's, who drove up from Ft. Myers, and the Dick Neidhardt's, who base their winters out of Marco Island, did their share in helping to dent the food fest. Any movements by the Carol Congalton's resembling that of a dance step were purely coincidental, and confused with movements of trying to stay warm.

But "Cliffy's on the Canal" had to be the top spot on the island, for a least one night, anyway... and a best kept secret, we might add.

After all, where else within a half a state, could you feast on all-you-can-eat burgs and dogs, with baked beans, veggie and fruit offerings, as well as an endless supply of beer and wine... ALL for a bill-of-fare of $10.00 per person, including tip??

Saturday morning after clearing the cobwebs, half of our friends headed east to McKechnie Field to check out our 2011 Pittsburgh Pirates who were entertaining the Philadelphia Phillies.

The Janet Jarabin's returned and brought their support for the Buccos. Wendy Johnson hooked up with Tortuga Hotel residents and mates "Hinkel-Dinkle" and Sandy Reutzel, making a very attractive three-some.

We arrived well ahead of game time, hit the picnic area inside the park, and despite the fact we had stuffed ourselves with burgs and dogs the night before, we could not pass up the famous "McKechnie Ballpark Footlong Hot Dog" and a cold brew.

The Pirates did not disappoint. They lost the ball game and sent us home firmly convinced they're headed into their record-holding 19th consecutive losing season.

But not from lack of support from "Hinkel-Dinkle," who's never been know for a shortage of words and optimism. While admiring the seamless, wrinkle-free, tight white trouser of her boys, "Hinkel-Dinkle's occasional and encouraging blasts of, "Hey, let's go BABYCAKES," echoed throughout the stands.

Once back on the island, we found our way to the "Gulf Cafe and Tiki Bar" for happy hour and dinner. The restaurant was just north and up island from our previous Saturday night haunt, The Beachhouse.

Also UP island, Reutzel incurred a slight problem. We're not sure if she got hung up in the tight white pants, or "Hinkel-Dinkle's" vocals, but on the drive back she managed to lose her Tortuga Hotel room key. She was ordered to pay a $50.00 lost key charge. Needless to say, she found the lost key the next morning, but it was a lock-change-charge, and $50.00 bill too late.

Kudos to host Clif, who had to overcome some last minute detail and location disparities to nail down a Saturday night location. It was obvious from the outset that our spring breakers were going to create a new experience for the TIKI restaurant servers and staff.

It was also obvious that the Judy Bach's were missing. While traveling, they missed the updated location change email and were waiting for us down the street at the Beachhouse Restaurant. The Bach's worked out their wrinkles and arrived late.

But despite a few wrinkles at the restaurant also, HEY, we were right smack on the beach...prime time and a prime time location. We drank - we ate - and we were treated to an incredibly beautiful sunset that melted down over the water and the western horizon.

We welcomed the arrival of the Bill Zimmerman's, who shared the woes of their lame duck, broken down "NEW" Mercedes, which set them back a couple days.

A last minute change of plans allowed Carol Stack to add a positive flavor to the Saturday evening mix by doing an UP and BACK drive from Punta Gorda. Guest and friend Ken McGlincy stepped up generously and spotted each table an appetizer platter of peel 'n eat shrimp.

Following dinner, and after a wonderful evening of conversation, interaction, and catching up, by 9:00pm, everybody was set to head their separate ways.

Sunday morning was absolutely beautiful. And the Sunday morning tradition at the Beach Cafe for the concession "line 'em up" breakfast was rockin' 'n rollin'. Better than 20 of our mates and friends showed around 9am-ish and we claimed occupancy through 12:00noon.

Another year had been successfully notched onto our belts.

Those looking in from the outside cannot believe our class -"The Colossal Class of 1960." The friendships, camaraderie, and togetherness of our NHHS classmates and friends stand in a category of its own.

Looking from the inside out, we can't imagine it being any other way. We would want it NO other way. We are blessed with a group of people who grew up from simple means - during simple times - reuniting, and coming together - maintaining and nurturing friendships - friendships which were conceived more than 50 years ago. Those friendships never died - and we never forgot where we came from!!!

If you are a member or friend of the NHHS Class of 1960... you're IN - you're in THE IN-CROWD!!!

"Yoi" and "double-yoi!!" And thanks again to Cliffy and Krisy for making it happen!!!

See "yunz" guys next year!!!


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